
Who am I?

Sherman Cox. I’m a University of Alabama in Huntsville trained (M.S.) Software Developer and a Vanderbilt Divinity School trained (M.Div) Minister.


But you don’t care about none of that. As far as guitar and music is concerned, I am just like you.

I always wanted to play guitar and in April of 2016 and just started playing. Yes…I’m just like you. I started playing with YouTube Channels and then started purchasing a lot of books to help me on my journey.

Yes…I really mean it. I’m just like you.

I know your pain. You wonder if this YouTube Channel is gonna really help. You wonder if that book is really going to hook you up. You may have even been like me and wondered if maybe I should go back and pick up the Trumpet I learned back in the day, or maybe go pick up a harmonica.

Yes. you see, I am really like you…

Well, this blog is going to help you step by step playing the guitar. And it will help me become better myself. So come on for the ride.